Wednesday, April 3, 2024

exploring the arcade in 私刑(リンチ) (1949) aka Rinchi

After years of searching I finally acquired a copy of Rinchi from 1949!  It is remarkable to have any footage of a Japanese arcade in the 1940s.

私刑(リンチ) (1949)

first shot shows the arcade in the background

pachinko machines on the left, and on the right appears to be 3 flipperless pinball machines. There are not any details I can use to discern which games they are, but here is a list of flipperless pinball machines from Japan.

cork shooting gallery!

The targets machine rotates, like a loom or a thresher.

loading the gun part 1: she uses the floor to push something into the gun

2: then she uses the tabletop to push a cork into it

3: she fires


  1. Hi! I hate to be that guy who asks people where to find movies but it would make my year if I could obtain a copy of this specific film. Please please please let me know if you still have a copy you would be willing to share. Thank you very much.
