Thursday, February 6, 2025

scans: 2 flyers of こまや (Komaya) games being sold by 中村製作所 (Nakamura Seisakusho)

中村製作所 (Nakamura Seisakusho) would later become Namco, and for a period they distributed games made by こまや (Komaya).  These two flyers appear to be from around 1970.

Thank you to Mike Minchew for scanning them for us.  Download at the Internet archive.
There is also a Nakamura price list from this time period on my other blog.

1969 Base Ball - ベースボール by こまや (Komaya)
1970 Ronin - 浪人 by こまや (Komaya) [presumed]
1970 Play Land - プレイランド by こまや (Komaya)

~1968 Let's Go Moon! - レッッゴームーン by こまや (Komaya)
~1967 Indy Game - インディゲーム by こまや (Komaya)
1965 クレイジー15ゲーム [クレイジーフィフティーンゲーム] [マークII] (Crazy 15 game [mark II]) by こまや (Komaya)

The games and the second flyer are older, so it might be from before 1970. But we have solid evidence that two of the games of the first flyer were released in 1970.


To my readers in the USA: This blog stands in protest against the horrific eliminationist policies being enacted by your administration to remove trans people from society.  Trans people have always existed, in every society, but this administration has declared a war against reality and says that trans people can no longer exist.  Trump's executive orders say that trans children should be abused at school and at home, they should be ripped from their loving parents and sent to conversion therapy, that all traces of trans existence should be purged from society, and that all trans people are subhuman threats and liars who should not be allowed to exist publicly.  This is nazi-style cultural genocide and everyone needs to do what they can to stop it.  He is attacking children, he is attacking families.

It is very hard to continue working on hobby shit in the face of the extreme Christofascist horrors being inflicted upon millions. This blog stands in solidarity with all of the youth who are terrified by a president who has declared them to be threats, and a danger to themselves and others that must be eliminated. 

Please read: Think this is a rollback of trans rights? No, this is something entirely new, and much more regressive by Casey Plett (archive)

For trans folk out there: literally what can we do by Tuck Woodstock (archive)

via knifewear

Please stay alive.  You are beautiful and valid despite the trillion-dollar monster that wants you to die.

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