Saturday, February 1, 2025

exploring the arcade in ひとりぼっちの二人だが (1962) aka Hitoribotchi no futari daga (Two people alone)

Another movie that I found via Sugiyama-san.  This 1962 movie gives us a glimpse of a famous amusement park, but in the background we can get blurred glimpses of machines.


This movie has many interesting and inventive shots, and gives us an incredible view of 二子玉川園 (Futako Tamagawa Garden).  Here are a few shots of the amusement park attractions, including the 宇宙飛行 (Space Flight) tower

these shots from the ride are lovely.
From a tweet:  そこは浅草松屋屋上遊園地であった。花屋敷は日本の遊園地の嚆矢である。松屋のスポーツランドは、屋上遊園地の嚆矢である。二つは互いに影響し合いながら発展し、浅草の名物となった。そこには各種ゲームマシンが置かれていたのであった。浅草松屋については、拙著『コリントゲーム史』をお読みいただきたい。

Machine translation: It was the rooftop amusement park of Asakusa Matsuya. Hanayashiki was the first amusement park in Japan. Matsuya Sports Land was the first rooftop amusement park. The two developed while influencing each other, and became famous attractions in Asakusa. There were various game machines installed there. For more information about Asakusa Matsuya, please read my book "The History of Games in Corinth."


These telescopes are coin-operated and on a timer, so when the time runs out everyone struggles to find another coin.

Enough sightseeing, let's look at games...

this shot is the back of the pachinko parlour, which we can see into through the right-hand doors. On the right in the foreground is a large drum being spun by a motor. This is a machine for washing pachinko balls.

パチンコホール (Pachinko Hall)

wait a second, what's that in the background?

We can see this machine in another scene.

Even though it is hopelessly blurry, this is still a very exciting find. This game looks similar to the two player racer games that first became popular in the 1920s in the the UK. It looks like a cabinet and they all certainly looked like a fine piece of furniture.

Here is a postwar example:

1954 Helicopter Racer by Ruffler & Walker

There were a number of Japanese games built in this similar cabinet style in the 1930s.

~1937 フートボール競技 (football competition) by 日本娯楽機製作所 (Japan Amusement Machine Manufacturing)

~1937 日本大競馬場 (Japan big racecourse) [卓上競馬機 (tabletop horse racing machine)] by 日本娯楽機製作所 (Japan Amusement Machine Manufacturing)

Here is an early example of a similar style game from the UK.  These machines were often "coin back" machines where each player put in a coin and whoever won the race would get theirs back.

1921 Jolly Fireman Racer by Charles Ahrens

1921 Jolly Fireman Racer by Charles Ahrens
photo from

I cannot make out any real details here. For all I know the big red mass could be a bucking bull and there could be someone pulling on it on the left. there does at least to seem to be too metallic holes in the middle of the game, which suggests to me that this is a racer game.  If anyone has an idea please let me know.

Perhaps the red circle is the bottom of the bell as it swings to the right. At the very top of the pole you can almost make out an image of a large silver bell, but it is too difficult to say for sure.

unknown 2-player game [seen in ひとりぼっちの二人だが] by unknown

I don't usually pause for the coin-op rides, but since this is such an early film I should probably document them here:

It is quite unfortunate that we do not get a better glimpse of the arcade, but let's squint at the smudgy shapes in the distance and see if we can figure something out.

On the left we have two pinball machines. The rightmost pinball machine is actually fairly easy to identify, because we can see the broad colours smudges that are at a very particular angle.

1956 Derby Day by Gottlieb

The machine on the left is a lot harder to see however. There is some methodology in trying to discern machines from very little visual information. You have to consider how the camera and lighting can smudge far-off images, and take notes of how the broad strokes might align. We can see the a large red line along the bottom with  a white smear above it. There is also a central reddish mass and smear of yellow somewhere up at the top.  

After much searching, I originally thought it was 4 Roses by Williams. But then I realized that 4 Roses came out in December 1962, and this movie came out in November 1962.

1962 4 Roses by Williams

Looking again, I think the machine might be 3 Coins, which came out in February 1962. I am a bit apprehensive about saying this title, as many of the pinball machines in Japan at this time were from the mid-1950s. 

1962 3 Coins by Williams

But my main apprehension here is that the white line does not curve up at the edges. If you have a better idea as to what machine it could be please do let me know.

To the right of the pinball machines is a ride which is probably a version of Sega's Single Pony.

1961 Single Pony by 日本娯楽物産 (Nihon Goraku Bussan) & 日本機械製造 (Nihon Kikai Seizo — Sega)

To the right of the pony ride is a tall funhouse mirror.  Here is an example of similar mirrors at an amusement centre, in a different movie made 16 years later:

exploring the arcade in the 1978 movie 鬼畜 / Kichiku (The Demon)

The next item to the right appears to be a jukebox. A primary distinctive feature we can see is that the glass curves to the back and then ever so slightly down. There are very few jukebox designs that look like that.

1954 Wurlitzer 1600 AF - via (archive)

If we look into the very far left of the shot we can see a row of smartball machines.


Here is a representative example of this style of smartball:

1950s スマートボール ローズマリー号 (smart ball rosemary) by 西陣 (Nishijin)

In this shot we can see lines of pachinko machines in the background.


To my readers in the USA: This blog stands in protest against the horrific eliminationist policies being enacted by your administration to remove trans people from society.  Trans people have always existed, in every society, but this administration has declared a war against reality and says that trans people can no longer exist.  Trump's executive orders say that children should be ripped from their parents and sent to conversion therapy, that all traces of trans existence should be purged from society, and that all trans people are subhuman threats and liars who should not be allowed to exist publicly.  This is Nazi shit and everyone needs to do what they can to stop it.  He is attacking children, he is attacking families.

It is very hard to continue working on hobby shit in the face of the extreme Christofascist horrors being inflicted upon millions. This blog stands in solidarity with all of the youth who are terrified by the president who has declared them to be threats, and a danger to themselves and others that must be eliminated.

If you do not know much about trans people and what is going on, please begin with the videos below.

100 Organizations Supporting Trans People in All 50 States

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

scans: Monthly Coin Journal 1995-07 1995-09 1998-01

3 more Coin Journal issues courtesy of me and a few others at Gaming Alexandria, and scanned by Detchibe.


月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] Vol. 20 No. 7 (July 1995) (600DPI)


月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] Vol. 20 No. 9 (September 1995) (600DPI)

月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] Vol. 23 No. 1 (January 1998) (600DPI)


To my readers in the USA: This blog stands in protest against the moral panic directed at trans people, and the horrific eliminationist policies being enacted by your administration to remove trans people from society. 

If you support this kind of horrific nazi shit please leave my blog and do not come back until you're able to internalize notions like "vilifying and eradicating minorities is bad, actually".  Trans people have always existed in every society and will continue to exist.  Your ignorant violence will not be forgotten.

via Erin Reed on Bluesky

Please read: Dear Trans Kids, You Don't Need the Government's Permission to Exist

A quick refresher: Timeline of the Holocaust: 1933-1945 from the Museum of Tolerance

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Videos (part 5): Pinball Symphony All-Score Supercut, arcade scenes ZIP file, and more

I re-watched the pinball reels supercut and was reminded that I should probably do another video post.

First up, here is that 8.5 minute reels-only supercut of what was an over 16 hours long pinball-only supercut that was/is shown on loop at the North Star pinball bar.  it can't be embedded, so be sure to click through and watch it on Vimeo.  Video created by James over at pinballspotting.

Pinball Symphony (All-Scores Supercut) -

Pinball Symphony (All-Scores Supercut)
Pinball Symphony (All-Scores Supercut)
Pinball Symphony (All-Scores Supercut)
Pinball Symphony (All-Scores Supercut)

oh and I should add you can find the prior videos posts here: 123, 4.

And next we have a collection of arcade scenes assembled by @tweakbod.  Some incredible footage in this batch, for fans of pinball, videogames, and old electromechanical arcades.

Download a ZIP file with all of the videos!  (2.8 GB)

1932 - Scarface arcade scene
1961 - The Man in the Back Seat pinball scene
1962 - These Are The Damned arcade scene
1964 - The Strangler arcade scenes
1974 - Stone pinball scene
1974 - Three Tough Guys arcade scenes
1976 - Bad News Bears arcade scene
1976 - Futureworld scene
1976 - L'alpagueur arcade scene
1978 - Dawn of the Dead arcade scene
1978 - Skateboard Kings arcade scene
1979 - That Summer! arcade scene
1981 - Puberty Blues arcade scene
1981 - The Best of Times
1982 - Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains arcade scene
1982 - Square Pegs arcade scene
1982 - The Toy arcade
1983 - High School USA arcade scene
1983 - Private School arcade scene
1983 - Terms of Endearment arcade scene
1983 - TJ Hooker arcade scene
1983 - WarGames arcade scene
1983 - Wizards and Warlocks
1984 - Hot Moves arcade scenes
1984 - Magnum PI arcade scene
1984 - Starman casino scene
1984 - Voyage of the Rock Aliens
1987 - Death Wish 4 arcade scenes
1990 - Robocop 2 arcade scene
5 center local TV commercial
Milano il gioco dei flippers - Archivio storico Istituto Luce-03
Tokyo Disneyland - ヘニーアーケート Penny Arcade promo

And finally, a selection of youtube videos:


John Osbourne showing off a brilliant collection of games.  This is the kind of eclectic collection that really inspires my own arcade.  See also pindude152

A similarly brilliant video, Larry Zartarian showcases 4 Keeney pinball tables


Great overview of Gottlieb's Flying Trapeze, the electric sister machine to their purely mechanical Merry-Go-Round


Some amazing Italian videos that I don't have better context on:

Mike Hasanov gives an excellent overview of the Evans' Ten Strike

Hasanov with the astonishing Roll-ette console

Clay Harrel of pinrepair fame is posting excellent videos giving an overview of EM machines that he is fixed and modified, with a bit of gameplay in there as well.

1959 Jet Pilot by Genco


1961 Sharpshooter by Bally:

1970 Bonanza by Williams

1971 Twin Rifle by Chicago Coin

1972 Commando Machine Gun by Chicago Coin

1974 World Series Deluxe by Chicago Coin

Randy Senna takes us inside his Football by Chester-Pollard

Another important video from Randy, where he might have found the oldest Fascination setup

A great lineup of 3 arrangeball machines:

Cool automaton

Old video, but I appreciate the gameplay of  Pussy Shooter by Jon Torrence

Another old video, a UK arcade video circa 1968

Short video showing the galloping of a Grand National horse racing game

Road Test by Myers pops up on Antique Road Show

A deep-dive restoration of a 1933 World's Series by Rock-Ola

2 videos from Deutsches Automatenmuseum...

1939 ErBü Kontakt by Fliegern 

1932 Bally Hoo by Bally

Restoration of a Vest Pocket slot machine by Mills

Restoration of a 1965 Bullfight by Bally pinball machine

And let's leave it off with some bingo pinball gameplay from pindude152, of a 1951 Coney Island by Bally


To my readers in the USA: This blog stands in protest against the moral panic directed at trans people, and the horrific eliminationist policies being enacted to remove trans people from society. 

It is critical to note that the USA is now entirely unsafe for travel for any trans, nonbinary, or gender nonconforming people.  The USA government has gone full nazi, confiscating passports, denying healthcare, and telling LGBTQ people that they are to be actively targeted.

Please read: Notice to trans people: Avoid non-essential travel to the United States

Thursday, January 23, 2025

scans: Amusement Journal 2012-01 2012-02 2013-01 月刊アミューズメント・ ジャーナル

3 more Amusement Journal [月刊アミューズメント・ ジャーナル] scans.  Scans by Detchib. I helped buy these with others from Gaming Alexandria. 


Amusement Journal Vol. 12 No. 1 Issue 129 (January 2012) (600DPI)

Amusement Journal Vol. 12 No. 2 Issue 130 (February 2012) (600DPI)

Amusement Journal Vol. 13 No. 1 Issue 141 (January 2013) (600DPI)


To my readers in the USA: This blog stands in protest against the moral panic directed at trans people, and the horrific eliminationist policies being enacted to remove trans people from society.

Providence Park, 2022

essential reading: A Line By Line Analysis Of Trump's Big Anti-Trans Executive Order

essential watching: Crash Course Black American History