1978 - The Bad News Bears Go to Japan [USA]
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
exploring pachinko in foreign cinema...
1978 - The Bad News Bears Go to Japan [USA]
gameroom update
My gameroom is a galley kitchen setup: over 20 feet long, but just under 7 feet across. It's been a long journey of tiny optimizations, find a few more centimeters here and there. I took some time during the pandemic and redid the modular shelves a bit, expanding the vertical games that are up at chest level, and the pantry absorbing more of the lower space. (this is actually more efficient as it gives us more shelf space for storage, as the upright games are shorted than just the shelf height divided by 2)
so the lineup went from this:
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Niche Mechanisms 003: skill flicks
Perhaps you've seen a Bally Skill Roll before? There is a long history in arcade games where you insert a coin and that coin becomes part of the game. These are generally called "drop case" games, but I want to focus on one specific type of these games, that I'm calling "skill flick" machines.
Skill Flick: machines where you flick along the coin you put into the machine, and it's dependent on skill alone. So that means no machines with bagatelle-style or pachinko-style playfields that make the skill negligible. Some shots might be next to impossible, but the only thing standing in between you and a win is a Skilled Flick.
![]() |
1958 Bally Skill-Roll |
Let's get flicking!
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Modern Pachinko commercial
Other games included in the arcade:
- Zaxxon
- Medieval Madness
- Asteroids
- pool table
- dart board
Disclaimer: I am in no way connected to Modern Pachinko or have ever ordered from them, nor have they asked me to post this or been in contact. I just think this is an incredibly cool video they had made, and I converted it to an animated GIF. the GIF is like 28 MB in size, so hopefully it loads ok for you.
Friday, February 5, 2021
exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema... part 1
In this post I'll be looking at Japanese movies and posting screen-captures of scenes with pachinko. I will be doing a separate post to really focus on foreign cinema's take on pachinko in Japan.
- pachinko in Japanese cinema part 1: before 1970
- pachinko in Japanese cinema part 2: 1970+
- pachinko in foreign cinema...
20th century American movies that show pinball in a prominent way often use it to underscore the trouble-makers and youth culture led astray. There is certainly a similar heavy strain of that through Japanese movies that have pachinko.
Pachinko is a form of gambling, and the tradition is more aligned with American cinema that focuses on gambling. That is, central themes of delinquency, gangsters, and addiction are common themes.
While in earlier movies pachinko is far more social and entertainment, late films sometimes depict pachinko as a metaphor for emptiness, despair, and giving up; something you might see alcoholism fill the space for in an American movie. While never looked at naively, some of the earlier films at least have a more sympathetic and romantic framing of pachinko. Characters using pachinko as a social backdrop is far more inviting than the later imagery of pachinko as despair.
This post is a visual examination of movies that have pachinko in them, but it isn't intended as a thesis of any sort. I won't add a lot of comments, but I will try and add some context as we go.
This list is not comprehensive, just a scattering of movies I found through various methods searching for pachinko information. If you have a movie with pachinko to recommend, please do let me know!
We're going to go in chronological order, here is a quick summary of what's inside:
1952 - お茶漬けの味 / Ochazuke no aji (The Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice)
1952 - 東京の恋人 / Tôkyô no koibito (Tokyo Sweetheart)
1952 - 生きる / Ikiru (To Live)
1957 - 警視庁物語 上野発五時三五分 / Keishichō monogatari Ueno-hatsu 5:35am (Metropolitan Police Department Story: 5:35am from Ueno)
1959 - べらんめえ芸者 / Beran me-e geisha (The Prickly Mouthed Geisha)
1961 - 豚と軍艦 / Buta To Gunkan (Pigs and Battleships)
1963 - 競輪上人行状記 / Keirin shônin gyôjyôki (The Gambling Monk)
1964 - 黒いダイスが俺を呼ぶ / Kuroi daisu ga ore o yobu (The black dice are calling me)
1964 - 夜の片鱗 / Yoru no Henrin (The Shape of Night)
1968 - 喜劇初詣列車 / Kigeki hatsumoude resha (Comedy Hatsumode Train)
1968 - (秘)トルコ風呂 / Maruhi toruko buro (Secret Turkish Bath)
1975 - 濡れた欲情 ひらけ!チューリップ (Wet Lust: Opening the Tulip)
1976 - やくざの墓場 くちなしの花 / Yakuza no Hakaba: Kuchinashi no Hana (Yakuza Graveyard)
1976 - 君よ憤怒の河を渉れ / Kimi yo Fundo no Kawa o Watare (Manhunt)
1976 - トラック野郎 天下御免 / Torakku yarô: tenka gomen (Trucker Yaro IV: Fully Licensed)
1977 - 男はつらいよ 寅次郎頑張れ! / Otoko wa Tsurai yo: Torajirō Gambare! (Tora-san Plays Cupid)
1977 - トラック野郎 度胸一番星 / Torakku yarô: Dokyô ichiban hoshi (Trucker Yaro V: The courageous star)
1979 - 復讐するは我にあり / Fukushū Suru wa Ware ni Ari (Vengeance Is Mine)
1987 - マルサの女 / Marusa no onna (A Taxing Woman)
1996 - Shall we ダンス / ? (Shall We Dance?)
1997 - ワイルドライフ (Wild Life)
1999 - どんてん生活 / Donten seikatsu (Hazy Life)
2000 - 殺し / Koroshi (Film Noir)
2000 - はつ恋 / Hatsukoi (First Love)
2004 - 下妻物語 / Shimotsuma monogatari (Kamikaze Girls)
2007 - 国道20号線 / Kokudo 20gosen (Off Highway 20)
2009 - カイジ / カイジ 人生逆転ゲーム / Kaiji: Jinsei gyakuten gêmu (Kaiji: The Ultimate Gambler)
2011 - カイジ2 人生奪回ゲーム (Kaiji 2: The Ultimate Gambler)
2013 - そして泥船はゆく / Soshite dorobune wa yuku (And the Mud Ship Sails Away)
2014 - そこのみにて光輝く / Soko nomi nite hikari kagayaku (The Light Shines Only There)
2020 - マザー (Mother)
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Niche Mechanisms 002: catchers
One of the earliest coin-op game mechs, I've seen Catcher-style game examples ranging from 1900 to 2010!
You can't mess with perfection like that.