Wednesday, June 26, 2024

exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema... PART 2

The original post exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema... has grown too large and the movies from 1970+ will be moved to this post.

The master list of movies will be maintained in Part 1.  If you are arriving at this post, please begin at part 1.  :)

1974 - ㊙色情めす市場 / (Maruhi) shikijô mesu ichiba (Secret Chronicle - She Beast Market)

slot machines are Olympia Mark III - オリンピア・マークIII 

arrangeball machines on the right

1975 - 濡れた欲情 ひらけ!チューリップ (Wet Lust: Opening the Tulip)

well that was an incredible opening sequence!

1976 - やくざの墓場 くちなしの花 / Yakuza no Hakaba: Kuchinashi no Hana (Yakuza Graveyard)

1976 - やさぐれ刑事 / Yasagure Keiji (Outlaw Cop)

1976 - 君よ憤怒の河を渉れ / Kimi yo Fundo no Kawa o Watare (Manhunt)

1977 - 男はつらいよ 寅次郎頑張れ! / Otoko wa Tsurai yo: Torajirō Gambare! (Tora-san Plays Cupid)

finally some classic 1970s pachinko

that stare

always appreciate the strategy tips

Another recurring theme are the characters that really aren't into pachinko

1979 - 復讐するは我にあり / Fukushū Suru wa Ware ni Ari (Vengeance Is Mine)

1987 - マルサの女 / Marusa no onna (A Taxing Woman)

1996 - Shall we ダンス / ? (Shall We Dance?)

a poignant example of pachinko used as a retreat

1997 - ワイルドライフ (Wild Life)

brutal scene of destroyed discarded pachinko machines

always great to see scenes of people working on the nails

1999 - どんてん生活 / Donten seikatsu (Hazy Life)

I think she's played a video pachinko game for the Famicon

2000 - 殺し / Koroshi (Film Noir)

pachinko as despair

2000 - はつ恋 / Hatsukoi (First Love)

a person's reflected face frame by the pachinko machine is another recurring image

2004 - 下妻物語 / Shimotsuma monogatari (Kamikaze Girls)

the movie starts with a woman flying through the air, pachinko balls falling from her pocket

title card freezes here, pachinko balls raining

love this shot


the joke is that she doesn't know why she's doing so well

hell yeah

2007 - 国道20号線 / Kokudo 20gosen (Off Highway 20)
this movie focuses on pachislo machines

it is the bleakest look at gambling yet

2009 - カイジ / カイジ 人生逆転ゲーム / Kaiji: Jinsei gyakuten gêmu (Kaiji: The Ultimate Gambler)

2011 -  カイジ2 人生奪回ゲーム (Kaiji 2: The Ultimate Gambler)

there are a LOT of photos for this one

most of the movie takes place in this one location

why?  Because it holds The Swamp, this ridiculously huge pachinko machine

pachinko balls are currently valued at 4 yen each, so playing a machine for 4000 yen balls...

enjoy this top-to-bottom pan

I'm at least grateful they took the time to show off the machine

I've got some bad news for you about that final clune

another iconic shot of a face reflected in a pachinko playfield

I love a good heist movie

now we're just showing off the elaborate outer drain holes

just so many machines glowing for background ambience

2013 - そして泥船はゆく / Soshite dorobune wa yuku (And the Mud Ship Sails Away)

bonus points for the candy cab

2014 - そこのみにて光輝く / Soko nomi nite hikari kagayaku (The Light Shines Only There)

2020 - マザー (Mother)
another film with pachinko as despair

it makes the connection to modern game centers where gambling is normalized for children

Check that retro skill-roll style game!!

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