I have found the Jean Anatole Jost (1860-1926) catalogues very useful for my pinball ancestry research. According to Association Wellouëj (archive), Jost filed a patent for "le grimpeur au Mât de Cocagne" back in 1886. The current archives for patents don't seem to go back that far, but hopefully they will eventually get digitized.
In this post we are covering this across a few sections:
This next catalogue does not even mention Jost at all, but contains materials from their earlier catalogues. On the back page you can see the imprint "1073 - 25.9.28". My assumption is that second number is the catalogue date, September 25th, 1928.
This next one is very similar to the one above, and appears to have been pasted inside the box of a roulette game. It contains the roulette instructions, followed by a short catalogue. It features J.A.J and J.A.L on the cover.
The following are images of covers of other catalogues. If you have these or any other Jost material, please send me an email. thetastates@gmail.com
1892 catalogue
The 1902 catalogue cover says "Catalogue No 2", which leads me to believe that there is a strong correlation between the catalogue numbers and the year in the 1900s.
1902 catalogue
One exception to that rule is the "Catalogue special" which seems to be a bonus supplement, perhaps published halfway between annual catalogues? That is a guess. This one still says " No. 2" but also 1903.
1902 catalogue
The following is a slim catalogue that popped up on Ebay. Given the phrasing, I assume this is a later catalogue, after Jost passed. I like the photographs from the shop. If you think there are clues to help date it, please let me know.
Factory Negatives
The following are silvered negative photographs from the Jost factory, as listed on proantic (archive). I'm posting the inverted versions.
In the No. 22 catalogue, we see this notation:
Ce signe souligné de la date indique que le jeu correspon- dant est une création de la maison.
Le même signe sans date indique que le jeu a été radicale- ment transformé ou perfectionné par la maison.
Machine translation:
This underlined date sign indicates that the corresponding game is a creation of the house.
The same sign without date indicates that the game has been radically transformed or perfected by the house.
This lets us separate Jost machines in to 3 categories:
Games that Jost created
Games that Jost didn't create but improved upon / redesigned
Other games that Jost made
Games that Jost created
Here I will highlight the games that Jost come with the symbol and the year, indicating that these games were developed in-house. This list is sorted by creation date.
1886 Mascotte Universelle
1887 Mat De Cocagne
1888 Grandes Mascottes De Luxe
1886 La Mascotte
1888 Boules Pour Loteries
1892 La Perisienne
1895 Billard Nicolas
1895 Le Stroklet
1898 Le Klondyke
1898 Petits Coureurs
1898 Serpentin 1898 Boule Standart
1900 Le Velo-Sphere patented S.D.G.D. ("SDGD" is omitted in Cat No. 26)
1901 Table A Volets "L'Ideale"
1904 Petite Mascotte
1904 Grands Jeux De La Boule
The Jost creation here seems to be the new model with "continuous lubrication and pressure-adjust brakes", made for heavy casino use.
1905 Grands Jeux de Petis Chevaux: Modele Nouveau
1905 La Petite Boule
1905 La Mascotte
1910 Coureur Circulaire
1910 Classeur "Optime"
1910 L'Assiette Au Beurre
1910 Coffre A Jeux Multiples
1912 Press-Cartes
1913 Pupitre A Musique
1912 La Chasse Aux Lapins
1922 La Torpille
1923 Table-Jacquet
1923 Les Chapchis
1923 Les Chapchis - page 2
Games that Jost improved upon
Games that Jost improved upon, from catalogue No. 22:
Roulettes De Famille
Roulettes Genre E.X.P.
Tir Electrique Dit Roulette Electrique
Jeux Du Chemin De Fer
Billard Bagatelle Francais
Le Steeple
Jeu Du Rodet
Grandes Mascottes
Tournant Triomphe
Le Serpentin
Games that Jost improved upon, entries from catalogue No. 26 that did not appear in catalogue No. 22:
Roulettes De Grande Precision
Roulettes De Grande Precision (continued)
Petite Boule De Famille
Grands Jeux De Petis Chevaux
Game Photographs
To finish, here are some images I've gathered of Jost-made products.
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