Wednesday, June 26, 2024

scans: Amusement Industry 1973-10 & 1974-01, Sega Price Lists 1972-09 & 1973-01, Coin Journal 1993-09

We pooled our money and bought some very expensive ephemera from Japan.  The first four were quite damaged and Detchibe did an amazing job preserving what they could.  Despite the severe damage to the issues, they still cost a significant amount of money!  Luckily, most of each item is still quite legible.

Please click on the label of each picture to go to The Internet Archive to download the full scans.

アミューズメント産業 [Amusement Industry] Vol. 2 No. 11 (December 1973)

アミューズメント産業 [Amusement Industry] Vol. 3 No. 1 (January 1974)

月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] Vol. 18 No. 9 (September 1993)


Sega in the 1960s: added the Rosen AAMA video, and many of the photographs from it. (added to the bottom)

Data East Pinball music: Tales From The Crypt pinball soundtrack link added

exploring the arcade in 1992-01 TVムック故郷は欧州 意外なパチンコ進化論 / TV Mook Mystery Journey: Surprising theory of pachinko evolution:  Numerous machines located and updated thanks to the 1997 Costa-Haskell auction catalogue, amongst other sources. (Mistigri, Le Bachelet, many more)

exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema... has been broken up in to two parts: Before 1970, and 1970+.  I also added these movies:

  • 1949 - 私刑(リンチ) (Rinchi)
  • 1952 - 大当りパチンコ娘 / Oatari pachinko musume (Jackpot Pachinko Girl)
  • 1961 - 警視庁物語12人の刑事 / Keishichô monogatari: jûni-nin no keiji (Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Story: 12 Detectives)
  • 1963 - 若い東京の屋根の下 / Wakai Tokyo no yane no shita (Under the roofs of young Tokyo)
  • 1969 - 現代やくざ 与太者仁義  Gendai Yakuza Yotamono Jingi (A Modern Yakuza The Code of The Lawless)
  • 1974 - ㊙色情めす市場  (Maruhi) shikijô mesu ichiba (Secret Chronicle - She Beast Market)

Tamakorogashi - Japanese Roll Ball - 玉ころがし: added Mills' Japanese Booth

Niche Mechanisms 005: booze barometers - added Hot Rod, Alcohol Meter, Booze-O-Meter

exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema... PART 2

The original post exploring pachinko in Japanese cinema... has grown too large and the movies from 1970+ will be moved to this post.

The master list of movies will be maintained in Part 1.  If you are arriving at this post, please begin at part 1.  :)

Friday, June 21, 2024

scan: schematics for 1976 Attack - アタック by タイトー (Taito)

This is another scan provided by John of John's Jukes and

flyer from

Files included:
  • English manual with schematic
  • ATN00001 PC board
  • ATN00002 sound amp
  • ATN00003
  • ATN00004 power supply
  • ATR00001 main PCB
  • ATR00002 main PCB
  • Tv Monitor schematic

example: ATR00002 main PCB (resized)

example: ATN00002 sound amp (resized)

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

scans: 3 flyers from Japan

We purchased and scanned 3 more flyers from Japan.  Click on the name under each to go to the Internet Archive to download

The first 2 are basic early-70s medal games.  

1976 Pegasus - ホワイトペガサス (White Pegasus) by 日本物産 (Nihon Bussan — Nichibutsu)

I think Super Boy is just another fly-by-night bootleg machine that was used for illegal gambling.  It uses the same kind of backglass as a number of other "XXXXX Boy" machines, but with the logo removed and a "Game Over" light put in the bottom right.

Super Boy flyer

The Nippon Vending one is fairly generic, but we bought it because of the smaller flyer attached to it.  If you zoom in it reveals that the photographs are actually from the USA. "US     Open Slingshot Tourney" is on the sign, and it says it was shown on NHK TV.  Perhaps a very short-lived fad, if it was ever even sold within Japan.

Nippon Vending flyers

Nippon Vending flyers - sling shot bonus flyer

Thursday, June 6, 2024

1948 Pachinko Photographs

I was able to purchase this wire-service press photo from coinop historian Larry Bieza.

1948-12-06 photograph by Richard C. Ferguson - Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo

Download high-res TIF scans of these photos at

1948 pachinko photograph - backside

This photo was printed in numerous papers, with slight variations in the article.

1948-12-15 Chillicothe Gazette, Ohio, USA

This photo is from the same series of photographs: A child is receiving their prize.  Thank you Harold for the scan.

1948-12-06 photograph by Richard C. Ferguson - Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo

back of photograph

The machines shown are of the bara-kugi style, with mostly-uniform grids of nails, but otherwise were quite similar to the single-shot pachinko machines common in the 1950s and 1960s.

Sugiyama-san says the nameplate here read 鈴富商店 (Suzutomi Shoten).

鈴富商店 (Suzutomi Shoten)

Added 2025-03-27:

1948-12-18 Sherbrooke Daily Record