Friday, March 7, 2025

scans: Computopia 1968-03, Play Meter 1989-12 1990 directory, Amusement Industry 1992-05 1992-06, Coin Journal 1993-10 1993-11, Amusement Journal 2003-02

Another wonderful batch of magazines!  Most of these were magazines I purchased alongside Detchibe and others at Gaming Alexandria.  The Computopia however was funded by a generous person I met at Pinball Expo last year.  Scanning done by Detchibe.

It's been a while since we've had a fresh Play Meter scan so I will share that here as well.  Hubz has been scanning the Play Meters and while I did not fund most of them, I think I donated a stack of them.

 Computopia [コンピュートピア] (April 1968) (600DPI)

Play Meter - Volume 15, Number 12 - December 1989 (600DPI)

Play Meter - Volume 16, Number 2 - 1990 Directory (600DPI)

 アミューズメント産業 [Amusement Industry] Vol. 21 No. 5 (May 1992) (600DPI)

 アミューズメント産業 [Amusement Industry] Vol. 21 No. 6 (June 1992) (600DPI)

月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] Vol. 18 No. 10 (October 1993) (600DPI)

 月刊コインジャーナル [Monthly Coin Journal] Vol. 18 No. 11 (November 1993) (600DPI)

 Amusement Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 Issue 22 (February 2003) (600DPI)


This blog stands in protest against the horrific eliminationist policies being enacted by the USA to remove trans people from society.  Trans people have always existed, in every society, but this administration has declared a war against reality and says that trans people can no longer be allowed to exist.  Trump's executive orders say that trans children should be abused at school, in their home, in public, and at hospitals.  Trump's orders are a decree to destroy all traces of trans existence from society, and that all trans people are subhuman threats and liars who should not be allowed to exist publicly.  He is attacking children, he is attacking families, and he is delighting in his sadism.

This blog stands in solidarity with all of the youth who are being terrorized by a president who has declared them to be threats that must be eliminated.

Please read: Standing up for our trans children. Parents of trans youth share their experiences and advocate for acceptance and support. 

art by Indigo Artist

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