Inspired by the lovely blog 昭和~平成前期のホテルや旅館などのパンフレット, we purchased and scanned this hotel brochure. In one photograph it features a game room and we're going to see what the lineup is.
You can get the 1200 DPI scans at The Internet Archive thanks to Hubz. The brochure images pasted here have been shrunk down. 信州/戸倉上山田温泉 ホテル清風園 - Shinshu Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Hotel Seifuen Brochure
The arcade:
Immediately we see two famous Sega machines that were released in 1969, but look to the left and we see a Gottlieb pin from 1970. It would be a fair guess to say this photo is from 1970. However there is a basketball game on the right that we have only documented as early as a 1971 catalogue, so either that version of the game came out in 1970, or this photo is from 1971.
Let's work from left to right. Beginning with this chunk:
There is a machine in the upper left, to the left of the pinballs. I am unable to identify it with that image. |
~1960s Shovel Dozer - ショベルドーザー by 日本娯楽機械 (Japanese entertainment machine) |
Next section:
1969 Sammy Star Crane - サミースタークレーン by さとみ (Satomi) |
1965 エレキボール (Electric Ball) by カトウ (Kato) & 日本自動販売機 (Japan Vending Machine) |
1960s Auto-Pachinko - オートパチンコ by アートポイント社 (Art Point) |
We can only see the rear-side angle of the next pinball machine, but that's enough.
~1967 Basket Game - バスケットゲーム by カトウ (Kato) |
unknown game |
The last one on the right looks like Coin Game, though we don't see enough of the machine to be 100% sure
~1969 コインゲーム (Coin Game) by 日本遊園設備 (Japan amusement park equipment) |
And finally, the front-right section of the photograph:
1970 Robot Gun - ロボットガン by ホープ自動車 (Hope Motor Co) |
For this next one we don't have frontal verification, but the cabinet and trim and controls lines up perfectly.
1970 Torpedo Shark - 魚雷シャーク [シャーク] by ホープ自動車 (Hope Motor Co) |
1960s みんなであそぼう クレーンマシン (Let's play together crane machine) |
~1969 Lucky Shot - ラッキーショット by サニー東京 (Sunny Tokyo) |
Front row. There is what appears to be a jukebox next to Jumbo, but I can't identify it.
1969 Jumbo - ジャンボ by セガ (Sega) |
1968 World Cup Soccer by Bally |
This next one is a bit of a question. Previously we had only ever seen this model of Sega's Basketball, with the smooth dome, in 1971. Is this photograph from 1971? Or was this model released in 1970? We cannot say.
1971 Basketball - バスケットボール by セガ (Sega) |
1969 Gun Fight - ガンファイト by セガ (Sega) |
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