Monday, August 5, 2024

scans: antique postcards from Japan

I purchased 4 old postcards from Japan.  Thank you to Detchibe for scanning them for me.  Links under each go to the uploads on The Internet Archive.

This illustration of a shooting gallery is quite interesting, and is allegedly from 1907-1909.  The auction (archive) states "滑稽新聞社発行の「絵葉書世界」=明治40年~明治42年 石版多色刷りの絵葉書1集30枚を第1集から第26集まで発行": "Postcard World" published by the Kakaku Shimbunsha newspaper, Meiji 40-Meiji 42. A collection of 30 lithographed multicolor postcards was published from the first to the 26th collection.

室内射的 (indoor shooting) ~1908

These next two are seemingly from the same place, showcasing an archery range.  The auctions for these mentioned 山形 (Yamagata) but I am unsure if that is accurate.  This dovetails into my arcade interests since archery training was also sometimes an arcade-adjacent amusement.

瀨見矢塲ノ景 (semi yaba scenery)

瀬見矢場 (semi yaba)

And the last one is not arcade related, but I just love the huge energy it exudes.

宝塚新温泉遊戯室 (Takarazuka New Hot Springs Playroom)

On the rear it says 宝塚新温泉遊戯室 (Takarazuka New Hot Springs Playroom) and we have seen mention of the legendary Takarzauka hot springs before!  I believe this to be pre-war because the writing on the back is read right-to-left.  Probably 1930?

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